This is the official website of Dr. Axel Schumacher. We want it to be useful, a place where you can find information about Axel’s work in the field of Precision Medicine, Epigenetics, Human Longevity & Blockchain, as well as information on his newest book project: “The Science of [Online] Dating”. We hope you’ll enjoy this website.
Axel is a scientist, author & futurologist. Founder & CEO of the HLTH Network - the Next Era of tokenized healthcare. Author of the 'Blockchain & Healthcare Strategy Guide'. Axel helps to translate scientific discoveries into practical applications to help understand, diagnose, treat & prevent complex disorders, but also to promote cutting-edge technologies that could transform biomedicine and the way we age.
In collaboration with chess grandmasters & scientists, the Science of Chess Project aims at producing the best chess text book ever. Based on thousands of scientific studies, ranging from neuroscience, mathematics, AI, cognition, nutrition, psychology or game theory, it will help to improve the game of beginners as well as of chess world-champions. Ultimately, it will be THE standard textbook for all aspiring chess players, the first evidence-based chess book.
A list of selected publications. Axel's work covers multiple scientific topics such as Epigenetics, Aging & Longevity, Complex Diseases (Alzheimer, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Cancer), Blockchain Technology, Microfluidics, Genomics, Neuroscience, Genomic Imprinting, and Big Data.